Thursday, June 08, 2006

Greg from Mishka is famous

Greg is one half of Mishka. Aside from being one half of Mishka, Greg also happens to have the biggest collection of Mr. T memorabilia on the face of the earth, maybe you saw the Mass Appeal article I did on his collection about a year or so back. Together with his partner in Mr. T-collecting-crime, Mike Essl, these two fellows have amassed the undisputed largest collection of this stuff ever, and have shown elements of it at gallery shows and on their website: Mr T and me. Not content with being internet stars, Greg and Mike are on TV now. And here's some links to prove it. These guys take unhealthy competition to a whole new level when Mike gets a mohawk on VH1. You just gotta see it. I hope Greg doesn't forget about us now that he's a household name. Now don't do drugs and stay in school (this seems to have worked for Mike)!


EBay short


VH1 short



Blogger blogzilla said...

you said you guys got slammed.

12:51 AM  

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