Friday, June 02, 2006

Made you stumble

Yo dunnies and ladies and everyone else in blogworld. If you're a Firefox user (and I honestly think you should be) then peep this new extension called StumbleUpon 2.78:

Click me to stumble

Yo...I might have been sleeping and the whole world already knows about this...but pretty much made the internet fun again for me yesterday when I installed it on my mac daddy. Basically there are 500+ categories you can choose from as your interests, and if you hit the "stumble" button, it directs your browser to a new site that people with similar interests have rated positively. You can give any site on the internet a thumbs up or down it help others see what you like and to help fine tune your interests....but this is too much writing and not enough stumbling. For real, i came across some incredibly sick sites last night thanks to stumble and i'm all about sharing and whatnot so you guys should all peep it.


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