Friday, April 28, 2006

killer camel killer fundraiser

come out and support the killer camel and her killer blog!
the blog must go on!

meet members of team awesome, EWC, and other really really cool people!

pose for pictures in the nose glasses!

get black out drunk!

monday may 1st at iggy's keltic lounge.
132 Ludlow @ Rivington
feat. hot girl bartenders jensrocker and linzee.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

what the fuck happened to Color Ninja?!?

So alot of people are wondering what the hell happened to Color Ninja. Well, the most insane member of the DG Fam has recently left the crew he parties with to go nuts in public. He gets all these questions like, "How could you leave BB$?" or "Why don't I see you with the girls anymore?"
Plain and simple is Color Ninja is over it. Waaaay over it. Any other reasons I have are personal. So don't worry bout it trick. Yeah, Color Ninja is now out in public causing havoc all around the SoCal area. Look for his face, look for his name, look out for yourself cause he'll probably kill you, or donkey punch you, whatever you prefer. When you see me on the street say hi. I'm not mean, unless I hate you.
Oh yeah, if you're not too cool.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Girl, you know it's true

Streetwear is such a boys club! So two of the loveliest ladies in this here game have created a community just for us. You may have heard about it.

Check it out here. More content to come. We promise.

If you're a lady in the industry, and you wanna be down, send an e-mail to me with your credentials, and we'll see about getting you down with the club.

Some of the benefits of being in the club....lovely group dinners. Gabriella and Liz came into town yesterday, and got a few of us LA Misses together for dinner at Roscoes Chicken & Waffles. If your mama doesn't make you fried chicken, you want some of this. Hell, even if your mama makes fried chicken for you, I doubt it's this good. I think they should just sell fried batter bits, the way Gabriella tried to get every last bit off her plate.

We got Rosa from Union (and her lovely well-dressed children), Kangsta Do Good, the loverly Eden - Dutchess of Duel, Farah for the People's Republic of DG, Gabriella Big Mama, and "Busy Lady" Liz Baca.

Keeping with the M.I.S.S. theme of this post, here's another party. Hosted, promoted and bartended by two of our New York Misses.

freebreast, out.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Art Garfunky

This weekend the Foreign Fam army marched thru DG and told us they were painting our wall. We said ok and ran for the hills. We left the video running so we could watch the mayhem from the safety of our sofa, later that day.

In other news, Chad tried to stick a "kick me" sign to the back of my hoodie but I saw right thru his weak attempt to make me the laughing stock of the DG crew. Hey Chad, Natasha Beddingsfield called to say that she doesn't appreciate it when you do stuff like that.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another party

East coast vs. West Coast party promotion.
Yasi, wanna wrestle?

Friday, April 21, 2006

lofty party.

Ultimate Fighting Championship?

I would be embarrassed to say that since discovering Youtube, I have spent a lot of my time looking for videos of people vigorously shaking their asses, except that I'm not that kind of girl. Not only do I revel in it, I share.
My friend put me onto this website that has videos that combine two things I really love: Wrestling, and booty movement. So here's the part where I share.

If anyone out there would like to point me towards more material like this, I would really appreciate it. A girl's gotta laugh.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time?

Ay! I know this topic is no fun for anyone, but I really think you should watch this free documentary if you have a spare hour and a half or so, it will change the way you think about the terrible and tragic events of September 11. You think the World Trade Center was brought down by those two planes? You think those planes were piloted by who the media said piloted them? You think that plane actually hit the Pentagon? This will flip you for real. Also, how come no one's talking about the $190 BILLION in gold bars that went "missing" from the rubble of the WTC?? Kinda makes it look like this whole thing mighta been the biggest bank heist in the history of the world. Seriously, you owe it to yourself to watch this, even if you don't agree with all the content. It will blow your mind.

  • Loose Change

  • Bragging Rights Galore

    time to pop my cherry blogging, daddy.

    we got put onto this video of Marc Ecko tagging Air Force One.
    now, I've read the legal disclaimer that says it's fake and all...but still, it's kinda dope.

    check the video.

    and his explanation

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    Iceland hearts 10 deep

    so i was in iceland last week and i'm at this all night house music extravaganza (don't ask) at this club in reykjavik. there are all these kids boozing it up big time because it was the night before their big easter holiday and i look around the club and come upon not just one but TWO different icelanders wearing 10 deep. i chased them around and took pictures. take a looksy:

    splatter hoodie, holler. i don't remember this guy's name so let's just call him bjorn. bjorn told me he got the goods at some now defunct store in downtown reykjavik. i couldn't understand what the name was between dude's accent and the pulsating house beats of ali "dubfire" shirazania of the world famous deep dish. (and the smoky substance is from the fog machine. yes they had a fog machine).

    this guy was definitely on drugs. he was also looking at me like "why is this weirdo taking photos of me."

    Picture this...

    Peace! This is my first post here on the DG blog, which pretty much means you've been lacking vitamin J up until right about now. Never fear though, the drought is over. What the hell am I writing? I have no idea. I think I should distract you with some pictures now. Here are some photos of all the sick art that we've been lucky enough to have friends come and do in our new office & warehouse space here in sunny LA. Ok that one of the At At in the kitchen, near the crappy coffee that nima likes, I did that and I'm not really an "artist" as much as someone who knows how to copy and paste in illustrator like a real champ.

    Matt Morgan makin' the lady's room look even sweeter!

    Chase with the multi-colored lobby mural...first thing you see every morning (if you work here).

    Carpe diem...Seizer the day.

    The biggest Buffmonster ever. He even said so himself and BM don't lie.

    A whole lotta heavily postered doors a la Obey steez.
