Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The block is hot!!!!

So we show up to work this morning and discover that the street has been closed off and, much like something outta the X-Files, there are men in white plastic biohazard type suits running all over the place. We soon noticed that there had been a gigantic explosion on the street right outside our office/warehouse! Fun! Keep in mind, a brand new Ford Explorer spontaneously caught fire in front of our previous office last year, so we're starting to feel like we just help stuff blow up, and not only clothing brands. The entire street is burned silly, half the tree across the road went up in smoke, and the little plants in the garden by our parking spots are crazy fried too. From across the road! It even made the local news where there's a video for you to watch. Basically a diesel tanker had to swerve to avoid a stray dog, and ran smack into a pretty big electrical generator that's across the road from our office. So this is basically a collaboration between high voltage electricity and a spilled load of diesel fuel. Bye bye truck, bye bye generator! Luckily the driver and his passenger survived (we heard they died at first). No word on the dog yet...click this pic for the link to the news story and the streaming video:

Oh yeah and this happened at 6pm last night so we all missed being fried by about 15 minutes! 15hrs of cleaning work later, it STILL looks hard to the core.
This is the sign in front of our office (keep in mind, the explosion was all the way across the street!):

Welcome to Camrock fooooools! Ok here's the generator (or what's left of it):

And our side of the street (I'l have that well-done please):

Really though I know it was KL trying to take us out...haters...Word is that the cleaning crew now have to flush diesel fuel out of 7 miles worth of sewer pipes to contain the disaster...


Blogger Kangsta! said...

the second to last pic looks like a midget in a hazmat.

3:17 PM  
Blogger blogzilla said...

Haha that's actually nima in his ballroom dancing getup

6:55 PM  

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